Hello all and welcome to the Fall 2025 semester!
My name is Lily Traver. I am a senior Earth Science major, a History minor, and your Geological Society "scribe"!
I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who attended our first meeting on September 10th. It was the biggest club turnout we've ever had and you have made your officers' day by being there.
Our next meeting will be a week from today (September 24th) from 5pm to 6pm in the Geo Lounge aka DMF 171. And as per the request of one of our members ... next week will be a show and tell! Please bring one of your favorite rocks, crystals, minerals, or fossils and prepare to share with your fellow members. If you don't have anything to bring ... please don't worry. You can always reach out to myself or another officer to get a specimen to borrow.
Other upcoming events include: Breaking Geodes in University Park (hosted by the Pride Center and cosponsored with Facilities), Open Lab Night (hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Science Education), and Pride in STEM Night (hosted by the Pride Center). These events will take place in mid-October through mid-November. I will keep you all posted when dates have been determined.
You can expect a meeting every other week. It will ALWAYS be on Tuesdays from 5pm to 6pm unless we mention otherwise. Please keep in mind that you can only miss 2 club meetings without an excused absence or else you will lose access to our club space.
And as a reminder ... please keep our space clean, accepting, and respectful. And any questions, comments, or concerns you may have, you are always welcome to email myself or another officer.
With sincerity and warm wishes,
Lily Traver
2025 Graduate
Geological Society Secretary
Pride Center Peer Liaison
Parking Services and Connect Card Office Assistance
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