Hello all!
Our next meeting will be a "What's Under the Microscope?" where we show you what kinds of magnifying tools that geoscientists use, how they differ from other microscopes, and what you can study/learn by using them! And for bonus points, please bring a specimen that you want to see magnified. If you don't have anything that you want to use, don't worry! The officers (including myself) will be pulling several specimens from the department for you to carefully observe.
"What's Under the Microscope?" will take place on Tuesday, October 22nd from 5pm to 6pm. It will NOT be in the Geo Lounge; we will instead meet in Dr. Krol's room AKA DMF 180. We've had such good attendence that we needed to move rooms (and we needed a more reliable projector). This is just down the hall from our lounge and we can direct you if you are unsure of where the room is. We will take attendence, go through any announcements/updates, and then go through a very short PowerPoint dictating the rules for the equipment being used.
Other upcoming events include: Breaking Geodes in University Park on Friday, October 18th from 12pm to 3pm and Open Lab Night in DMF on Wednesday, November 13th from 5pm to 8pm.
For Breaking Geodes, anyone helping me on Friday should be suffiently prepared. This means that I expect you to show up in closed toe shoes and clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. It may be chilly so consider bringing a jacket if you get cold easily. You can also bring your own personal protective equipment (PPE) such as work gloves and goggles, but facilities will provide them too, if needed. If you have any questions about tabling, please feel free to reach out! Also this is co-hosted by the Pride Center, which means that you may receive questions about flags, identities/orientations, and what kind of resources that the Pride Center offers. If you are unsure of how to answer these questions or are uncomfortable with this, you can send them in my direction. I WILL NOT judge you if you decide not to volunteer; I would rather you be comfortable and confident should you choose to work the event. Just send me an email ;)
Invite your friends and teachers to attend!!! Anyone not working the event is free to just show up to get candy and crystals.
For Open Lab Night, anyone interested in helping out and/or running an activity will need to fill out a form BEFORE October 23rd. This is a week from today. Please email myself or Dr. Krol for the link.
ALSO, we have a store open for Geology Department hoodies!!! Here is the link to pre-order them! This store will close on November 1st so make your purchase ASAP. We will let you know when they ship and arrive. ;)
And as a reminder ... please keep our space clean, accepting, and respectful. And any questions, comments, or concerns you may have, you are always welcome to email myself or another officer.
With sincerity and warm wishes,
Lily Traver
2025 Graduate
Geological Society "Scribe"
Pride Center Peer Liaison
Parking Services and Connect Card Office Assistant
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