BSU's Value Statement


BSU's Value Statement




BSU Value Statement
Watch this video on YouTube here.


BSU Value Statement

The Bridgewater State University community affirms the values of diversity, inclusion and equality for all.

In 2015, in response to President Obama's observation of the 150th anniversary of the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, BSU officially adopted a Value Statement committing all of us to uphold these important values:

In response to growing and widespread incivility, bigotry, and hostility, we, the undersigned members of Bridgewater State University, reaffirm the values of our community as a welcoming, compassionate, and intellectually rigorous learning, working, and living environment. We reject all forms of bias, discrimination, xenophobia, and violence. We re-commit ourselves to actions that put into practice our individual and institutional values of diversity, inclusion, and equality for all.

All BSU students are expected to embrace and uphold these values.

Students are asked during their Crimson Beginnings experience to affirm these values statements by signing their name that will be added to the list of community members, faculty, staff and students who have done the same.