Books & the BSU Bookstore

Plan on spending between $400-$500 each semester for textbooks.

Book Lists
Your student's instructors will submit their book lists to the BSU Bookstore.

Tips for Buying at the BSU Bookstore

  • Have your student bring a copy of their schedule when they visit the bookstore: your student's schedule will serve as your shopping list.
  • New and used textbooks may be available. Used books are 25% less than new books.
  • There are a variety of ways to pay for books, including your student's BSU Connect Card.
  • Certain textbooks are available for rental. An active credit or debit card is required to create a rental account and the books must be returned at the end of the semester.

Book Buyback

Your student can sell unwanted textbooks back to the bookstore at any time. Based on demand and/or inventory, there may be restrictions. Check with the bookstore for more information.

Contact Us
Phone: 508.531.6198